When sending an essential correspondence, the envelope it is packed in might be the last on your mind. However, the feel and look of your envelope might be the determining in whether the mail gets opened in the first place. Your recipients are less likely to open a letter with a boring, bland design. Thus, you should invest proper energy and time into making the envelope truly memorable.
Here are some top secrets to envelopes printing that you will not find anywhere else.
A Little Might Be Enough
You might be tempted to include what you can imagine in an envelope. However, you should know that custom envelopes printing near me is different from a banner. Too many elements, including graphics, texts, and colors, can overwhelm them. You do not, of course, want that. Adding your logo, contact details, and brand colors are enough design elements to put on your custom envelopes.
Choose a Color Scheme That Matches the Brand
One of the first steps to creating an envelope design is to decide on the color scheme for the business envelopes. For businesses that have well-established brand colors, this can be a no-brainer. You can be creative and choose a color that fits your business name or what you do.
Add Attractive Images
Sure, simplicity is the best advice for an envelope design. However, one without images might struggle to grab the attention you are looking for. You have competitors in the industry who also recognize the importance of designing an envelope. To ensure your business envelope stands out, add images to your envelope design. By using visual elements and including attractive images that complement the design, you can grab the customer’s attention. This will help your customers relate to your brand, improving the chances of transforming them into loyal customers.
Maintain a Consistent Look
Well-designed business envelopes have a cohesive look, where every element blends with the rest of the design seamlessly. The design of your custom envelope printing should maintain the same level of consistency, not simply within the envelope but also with the other elements of the marketing materials.
Place the Logo in the Right Place
Your brand’s crown jewel is the logo. Your recipient must recognize who sent the business envelope immediately. To achieve this, you have to place the logo in the right position. It ensures that your logo is the first thing your customer notices when they receive your envelope.
Accentuate the Text with Attractive Colors
If you want to highlight a specific piece of text on the envelope, there are various techniques to achieve it. One of the most effective methods is to use texture, color, or material that stands out. For instance, adding a metallic shade for the text will help draw the attention of your customers to the key elements.
Add an Easy-to-See Contact Information
The return address or contact information, if your envelope is not for mailing, is one of the most essential aspects of envelope printing. It plays a key role in your call to action. Whether you are encouraging your recipient to visit your store or join an email list, adding clear contact information is important. A well-designed ensures that the essential details, such as phone number or website, remain visible whether the envelope is closed or open.
Experiment with Typography
Typography plays a crucial role in envelope design. You can consider choosing a unique font for the address on the business envelope. It will help your business envelope stand out from your customers.
Use Visual Texture
You do not always have to use an unusual material to add a distinct texture to your business envelope. It is possible to create texture visually. For example, a subtle background design, such as a geometric pattern, can add depth to your envelope. Also, you can go for a more pronounced pattern, such as a landscape or material relevant to the business, to create a relevant and unique design.
Stick to a Maximum of Three Colors
While you might have a spectrum of colors, avoid using too many in a single design. Make sure you are not using more than three colors in the envelope since it will help create a visual appeal without overwhelming your recipients. A well-chosen color scheme helps in maintaining interest while avoiding sensory overload.
Checking out example designs helps when you are seeking inspiration. However, make sure you simply do not bite into someone else’s style. Keep the above tips in mind while designing and printing your business envelopes.