Are you an Oenophile?
Well, then you must enjoy showcasing your precious collections! And when it comes to sophistication, nothing beats the aesthetics and charm of glass wall wine cellars. They are sleek, elegant, and one of the best options if you have a contemporary-themed interior decor.
However, beyond the appealing aesthetics, lies the most crucial question of all- Is a glass wall wine cellar a practical choice for you? Or is it better to go for other options?
This article explores some of the practical considerations that you need to remember before bringing a glass wall wine cellar home! Stick till the end to learn in detail, and make an informed decision ahead.
Aesthetics or Functionality- What’s the Right Choice?
A modern glass wine cellar undoubtedly makes a statement. It transforms your wine collection into a focal point. Added to that, the transparency allows you to see and admire your collections as well! So, without a doubt, glass wall wine cellars do have superior aesthetics that can truly make it the apple of your eye!
But, the main purpose of a wine cellar is to offer space, and ideal conditions to store your wines. Hence, aesthetics shouldn’t overshadow functionality at any cost!
So, it’s better to find a middle ground where you get the best of both worlds- aesthetics, as well as functionality!
Factors to Consider Before Investing in a Glass Wall Wine Cellar
Glass Walls Lack Proper Insulation Properties
Ideal storage conditions are essential to keep your wines in good condition. Even the most subtle fluctuations can have severe impacts, and damage your collections!
Glass is indeed a beautiful element. But, it lacks proper insulation properties! It’s a great conductor of heat, and therefore you must invest in a robust climate control system. Also, you must be ready to bear those higher energy costs, as hot and humid climatic conditions would make your climate control system work harder.
Glass Makes Your Wines Vulnerable To Light Exposure
The transparent nature of glass is its biggest aesthetic asset! However, that also exposes you to a bigger issue- light exposure!
Light, especially UV rays, is the biggest contributor to the premature aging of your wines. That’s why wine enthusiasts/ and wine rack designers across the world highly recommend protecting your wines from direct sunlight exposure.
So, if you’re determined to install glass-walled custom wine racks in Houston, make sure to plan and strategize about the placement of the cellar. Try to find spaces in your home where light exposure is minimal. Also, consider installing UV-resistant glass, and invest in automated shades or blinds to offer extra protection to your prized collection.
You Need To Constantly Monitor Temperature And Humidity Levels
Glass-walled luxury wine cellars indeed transform the overall interior aesthetics. However, it brings along a lot of extra work as well. How?
Well, you might need to regularly monitor the temperature and humidity levels inside, as well as outside your wine cellar. That’s because variation in temperature levels translates to condensation. This additional moisture buildup has the potential to damage the labels. Not just that, but it can also lead to mold growth.
So, you need to make sure that there’s proper ventilation in your room to minimize humidity levels. Plus, you also need to constantly monitor, and balance the temperature levels optimally. This is a lot of extra work that you need to incorporate into your busy schedule to keep your prized collections in optimal condition.
Glass-Walled Wine Cellars Are On The Pricier Side
Last but not least, glass-walled wine cellars are a premium choice. They usually come at much higher prices than traditional wooden or wrought iron wine racks. Why?
Because you’re not just paying for the glass itself! You also have to invest in a premium climate control system and consider structural modifications. This adds to the overall costs and contributes to a hefty expense.
Not just that, but the maintenance hassle of your glass wine cellars can frustrate you to the core! You have to regularly inspect the climate control system, and clean the surface at least twice a month to keep it in a pristine condition!
So, Is a Glass Wall Wine Cellar Right for You?
Well, the answer depends on your circumstances, choices, and preferences.
If functionality takes center stage, then you might reconsider your decision to install a glass-walled wine cellar. Considering the hassles, and the cost involved, a traditional wine cellar with a glass-etched wine cellar door can anyway be a better option!
And if you prioritize aesthetics above everything else and are determined to do anything to protect your precious collection, glass-walled wine cellars can be the perfect option for you!