If you love coffee as much as we do, then you’ll love this list of five little-known facts about coffee that everyone should know! First, despite the popular belief that coffee and caffeine are the same things, they aren’t at all. This is where Wholesale Specialty Best Coffee Beans Supplier Melbourne often offers a variety of packaging options. Coffee actually contains more than 1,000 substances other than caffeine, including antioxidants and flavonoids that offer substantial health benefits that are completely distinct from the boost of energy provided by caffeine alone. Second, did you know that there are over 500 different species of coffee plants?
The coffee plant can grow up to 25 feet tall
Most coffee is grown between 1,300 and 1,500 meters above sea level, in what’s called the bean belt around the world. The best wholesale specialty coffee supply comes from Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Kenya. The coffee plant grows best in climates with lots of sunshine and rainfall. The plant flowers bloom with white flowers that smell like jasmine. And each cherry typically contains two beans.
Most coffee plant varieties are self-pollinating, but some require pollination from another plant
The most common method of coffee pollination is by bees, but other insects can do the job, too. Even wind can help spread pollen from one plant to another. But did you know that most coffee plant varieties are self-pollinating? That means they don’t need help from another plant to produce coffee beans. In fact, only about 10% of all coffee plants need cross-pollination. So, if you’re a coffee lover, you can thank nature for making it possible for you to enjoy your favourite beverage.
The best growing regions are between 20 degrees north and south of the equator
The best coffee-growing regions are between 20 degrees north and south of the equator, where the climate is warm and humid with lots of rainfall. The coffee plants thrive in these conditions and produce high-quality beans. Wholesale specialty coffee suppliers typically offer a wide variety of brewing methods. This gives customers the ability to choose the method that best suits their needs and preferences.
Green coffee beans are round because they are unripe. They become flat and yellow when roasted
Green coffee beans are simply coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. They are typically small and round, and they turn yellow or light brown when roasted. The roasting process is what gives coffee its characteristic flavor and aroma, so unroasted coffee beans will not taste or smell like your typical cup of joe.
1. Most coffee is grown in the bean belt between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
2. Coffee is a fruit! The coffee bean is actually the pit of a cherry-like fruit.
3. wholesale specialty coffee supply Green coffee beans are round because they are unripe. They become flat and yellow when roasted
4. The caffeine in coffee is a natural insecticide.
5. Coffee plants are propagated by grafting rather than from seed.
If you roast your own coffee, you should let it cool before grinding it
Most people don’t know that coffee should be allowed to cool before grinding. This is because the grinding process can release heat, which can make the coffee less flavorful. If you’re using a wholesale specialty coffee supply, you’ll want to make sure that your beans are roasted and cooled properly to ensure the best flavor.